The Inauguration of White Supremacy
No more hiding
Tomorrow will set in stone full-blown, open white supremacy from the top down.
This was obvious last time with Trump, but many people decided to turn a blind eye.
Now you can truly see how a white man can navigate this world with zero consequences.
Trump can get 34 felonies, see zero consequences, get encouragement and good luck in his presidency from the judge who handled the case, and put in place a plan to use the military against the people of the United States without any pushback…to the point where people are already calling out ICE raids and shit is going to start going down in Chicago on Tuesday.
The amount of overt violence that is looming is intense.
This is showing white men that they can literally get away with anything, more than we already have, and it sets a precedent that, not only is there no consequences, but you can gain the most amount of power while simultaneously doing the most illegal shit.
The felonies that white people use to justify the murder of Black, Indigenous, People of Color in this country are the ones that white men get rewarded for carrying out.
As a white person, you have a choice of being openly, actively, and loudly anti-racist and still be seen as a threat regardless or you are going to fall into the category of just being a straight-up Klansman if you choose silence and your comfort over showing basic humanity.
This is going to cause massive emotional turmoil for white people who have to sit with the outcomes of these decisions.
White supremacy was not a dealbreaker. SA was not a dealbreaker. Felonies were not a dealbreaker.
Which side of history are you going to land on?
Shit is about to get real in a way we haven’t seen.